“Rainbow Peer Forces” yra tarptautinis projektas, kurio tikslas – remti LGBTIQ+ jaunuolius ir skleisti informuotumą apie LGBTIQ+ temas pasitelkiant bendraamžių švietimą. Bendraamžių švietimas reiškia mokymąsi iš bendraamžių ir dalijimąsi informacija bei žiniomis savo bendruomenėse ir jaunų žmonių grupėse. „Rainbow Peer Forces“ siekia ugdyti ir stiprinti bendraamžių gebėjimus projekto partnerių šalyse ir remia “Rainbow” bendraamžių švietėjų tinklo kūrimą, kuris informuotų apie LGBTIQ+ temas tarp savo bendraamžių ir kurtų priimančią aplinką savo bendruomenėse. Savo veiklai suteikiama galimybė pritaikyti bendraamžių švietimo metodiką ir neformalųjį švietimą.
Projektas finansuojamas Erasmus+ programos lėšomis.
About the project
Rainbow Peer Forces is an international project which aims to support LGBTIQ+ young people and spread awareness about LGBTIQ+ topics through peer education. Peer education means learning from one’s peers and sharing information and knowledge within our own communities and groups of young people. Rainbow Peer Forces strives to educate and build capacity for peer education in respective countries of the project and support creating a network of rainbow peer educators that inform about LGBTIQ+ topics among their peers and create an accepting environment in their communities by using peer education methodology and non-formal education.
Projekto produktai
Tarptautinė ataskaita apie ugdymosi poreikius anglų kalba.
Detalesnė informacija pie projektą
Project Name: Rainbow Peer Forces (RPF)
Duration: 01. 04. 2022 – 01. 06. 2024 (26 months)
The aim of the project is to improve the situation and wellbeing of LGBT youth by developing and implementing peer educators programmes in SOGIESC with regard to social inclusion and non-discrimination of LGBT people.
The aim will be achieved through:
a) identification of needs and challenges during peer education interventions
b) development of complex framework of rainbow peer education (PE) methodology with regards to topics of SOGIESC, social inclusion and nondiscrimination
c)Implementation and piloting of rainbow peer education programmes based on previously elaborated methodology
d)creation of a network of organisations working with peer education methodology aimed at social inclusion and nondiscriminationof LGBT+ people across Europe
e) exchange of best practices of creation, development and implementation of rainbow peer education programmes invarious contexts and European countries
Target groups
The project chose the following target groups:
(TG1) youth workers & educators affiliated with partner organisations as well as teachers, educators, youth workers and school psychologists from schools/universities and youth centers who provide or wish to provide peer educators training services in the field of SOGIESC
(TG2) organisations working with young people in the field of SOGIE who would like to set up a local pool of peer educators and broaden their non-formal educational services by providing peer educational programmes to their targets group.
(TG3) young people (LGBT activists, volunteers, potential and peer educators) interested in organising rainbow peer interventions.
Project results:
PR 1 Educational needs assessment (05-08 2022 / English / Lead – Saplinq )
-to identify educational needs of youth in the field of SOGIESC
-the main target group are our partners but as well as teachers, youth workers, educators, schoolmasters, youth centres, other national, regional and local educational institutions working with youth and SOGIESC that are in need of data to refine their services.
-focus group in each country (30 participants in each partner country)
PR 2 Peer educator mentoring and intervention – scenarios and curriculum (02-08 2023 / English / Lead: Drustvo Parada ponosa)
-direct beneficiaries: peer educators, trainers of peer educators.
-outputs: standard documentation (including standardised mentorship model and peer interventions scenarios) to support multifocal development of rainbow PE methodology with tools and best practices. –
-During the first phase of the activity the partners will establish a mentorship programme for peer
educators in organisational setting, detailed a model and structure for supervision, define measures for monitoring. The mentoring programme will concern a group of 18 peer educators
PR 3 Rainbow Peer Education Toolkit – Trainer + Peer educator – publication (11/2023 – 01/2024 / English / Lead: Asociación Colectivo MosaiQ)
– quick impact toolkit for future trainers of peer educators and peer educators easy to use and access and implement PE mentoring programmes and interventions – based on the experiences of training courses and the local pilot projects implemented.
– Target group: trainer of peer educators, peer educators, staff of educational institutes, NGOs and policy makers who want to design projects and initiatives applying LGBT-inclusive peer educational activities and interventions.
Multiplier Events
SK (international, 65 participants)
ES, RO, LT, CZ, Sl (local,15 participants per event)
E1 – seminar on inclusive peer education is dedicated to European organisations and educational institutions that would like to develop peer education mentorship programmes within their local
surroundings, to enrich existing PoPE with more LGBT+-affirmative approaches or generally
interested in inclusive NFE. Within E1 all the participants will have a chance to share their outcomes from pilote phase and reflection on general experiences related to development of mentoring ship
and peer interventions.
E2-E6 Local multiplier activities is dedicated to 15 local educators, youth workers, teachers, school psychologists or NGO staff to introduce them into the methodology of designing and implementing inclusive peer education programmes within their local context as well as improve their mentoring skills.
Learning, Teaching, Training activities
C1 – Training for trainer (SK / 18 participants /)
Aim of the training:
-exploring the design of the peer educational activities including mentoring and interventions
-empowering the participants to prepare and facilitate LGBTinclusive and sensitive peer educational programmes
By the end of this training course, the participants will be able to:
-Understand and describe the overall concept of Design and its essential components;
– Identify and collect the appropriate information on which they can base their pedagogical decisions during the design process.
– Plan the teaching-learning-mentoring process in various steps: defining learning needs,
C2 -. Training for trainers – online tools (RO / 18 participants)
Aim of the training:
-exploring the online tools and techniques that can be used in peer educational activities including mentoring and interventions
– empowering the participants to prepare and facilitate online LGBTinclusive and sensitive peer educational programmes
By the end of this training course, the participants will be able to:
– Understand the concept of Digital Youth Work;
– Identify and prepare peer education programme with the appropriate digital tools and techniques
C3 – Training for peer educators (Sl / 18 participants) The training will specifically address design and implementation Peer intervention by peer educators. The TC will introduce different techniques of facilitation. After TC participants will become future facilitators of such online processes being able to deliver services by using digital means of communication. Participants will be invited initially among the already involved participants from C1- 4 pax per partner